African Violet

African Violet

Check out our published African Violet care guide on wikiHow

Originating from Eastern Tropical Africa, Kenya and Tanzania, these African Violets love a bright, warm, and humid environment. With little experience, it is easy to get them to bloom year round if given the proper environment. Flowers bloom and die off after a bit but it is okay to clip off dead flowers to encourage new growth. 

  • Light

Bright indirect light will keep an African Violet blooming and happy. Avoid direct sunlight as that will burn the flowers and the leaves. 

  • Water

Keeping the soil of an African Violet moist is important for growth. Make sure the pot your Violet is planted in has good drainage. They are prone to root rot and good drainage can decrease the chances of that. They prefer to be watered with room temperature or slightly warm water. 

  • Humidity and Temp
An African Violet will thrive in a place with high humidity. Avoid getting the leaves wet as that will cause rotting as well. Using a humidifier or pebble tray can be beneficial. Don’t let the temperature fall under 60 degrees F. 
  • Soil

Almost any well-draining potting mix will be sufficient for an African Violet. Our go-to recommendation for a high-quality soil that’s fast draining is Fox Farms Ocean Forest.

  • Fertilizer

An African violet will appreciate fertilizer every other time you water it in the spring and summer months. 


  • Pet friendly?
Although African Violets are technically not toxic, it is probably not a great idea to keep it in reach of children and pets as everyone's digestive systems process things differently and it could cause a reaction.
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