Hilo Beauty

Hilo Beauty

The Alocasia Hilo Beauty is a one of a kind plant. Because this plant does not flower, no one is able to accurately define which species it is. It is a hybrid cross between two plants but we are unsure of which two. The experts who are mass producing this plant have decided to include it in the Alocasia family. This plant has big heart shaped leaves like an elephant ear and has a different camouflage pattern on each leaf. 

  • Light

Bright indirect light is important for the Hilo Beauty to thrive. It can survive in a shadier spot but for the camouflage look to pop more, place it in a bright spot that does not get direct sunlight. 

  • Water

Hilo Beauties need to have their soil kept moist in the growing season. They require less water in the winter when they are dormant. Water when the top inch of the soil is dry during the growing season and when the top two inches are dry in the winter. 

  • Humidity & Temperature

The Hilo Beauty grows best in high humidity. To increase humidity, use a humidifier in your home or create a tray of pebbles with water to either place the plant on top of or right next to it. The Hilo Beauty does not do well in temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. They are happiest at 65-75 degrees. 

  • Soil

The Hilo Beauty will do well in any well-draining potting soil. We recommend Fox Farm Ocean Forest for added nutrients and great drainage. 

  • Fertilization

A Hilo Beauty requires feeding with diluted fertilizer every two weeks during the growing season. It is not necessary to fertilize in the fall or winter. 


  • Pet friendly? 

No, the Hilo Beauty is toxic to pets and humans when ingested. 

  • Why is my Hilo Beauty dropping older leaves? 

Sometimes, as a result of adjusting to a new environment or not enough sunlight, the Hilo Beauty can drop it’s older leaves. This can also just happen as a part of the life cycle of the plant. If it is still producing new growth, do not worry too much. 

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