As seen all over the internet and plant shops, these plants with large, beautiful, split leaves can grow up to 16 ft outdoor and about eight feet indoor—over many years and proper maintenance. These plants are native to southern Mexico and parts of South America, where the climate is hot and tropical.
Almost any well-draining potting mix will be sufficient for a Monstera. Our go-to recommendation for a high-quality soil that’s fast draining is Fox Farms Ocean Forest.
Allow the top 2-3 inches to dry out before each watering. In the winter months, scale back on watering. In the summer, the more light the plant gets, the more often it will need to be watered.
Monstera's will appreciate a medium to bright room with little direct sunlight. The strong rays from the sun will damage the leaves.
Because of the native origin of the Monstera, your plant does require more humidity. Keep a pebble tray or a humidifier near your plant so it feels in its natural environment.
During the spring and summer months your Monstera will appreciate a monthly dose of any standard plant fertilizer, diluted at half strength.
Pet friendly?
No - Monsteras do contain calcium oxalates that are poisonous if ingested. They are toxic to both humans and animals.
It is incredibly important to clean the leaves of your Monstera regularly. It will ultimately depend on how dusty your apartment gets but we typically suggest doing this weekly. Simply dampen a rag and wipe down the leaves to remove any dust or water residue that has collected. Use one hand to brace the leaves while wiping them to ensure you don’t accidently break them while cleaning. This process will ensure your Monstera is able to absorb sunlight effectively and avoids and tarnishing of the leaves.
Moving to a new home can typically cause some shock for plants. Yellowing or loosing leaves are pretty common when taking a plant to a new home, so if this happens do not fret, they should bounce back. Avoid repotting until a week or two after purchasing your plant so it can get acclimated to your home.