Palms are often seen as a nice, easy beginner plant to add some height to our collections. Unfortunately this isn’t quite accurate and most of these tropical beauties require a bit more attention than your average Pothos. Despite this fact, we're hoping this guide helps bring you success in caring for your palm varieities.
Almost any well-draining potting mix will do for Palms. Our go-to recommendation for a high-quality soil that’s fast draining is Fox Farms Ocean Forest. It is important with Palms to never allow all of their soil to dry out between watering - the first few inches is all it takes.
Water every 7-10 days depending on how quickly your soil is drying out. Be sure that at least the first couple of inches feel dry before watering but don’t let your Palm completely dry out or it will respond with yellowed, drooping fronds.
Palms are known for being picky about the kind of water they receive. If you live in a city or area with hard tap water, this will often cause yellow/brown tips on your Palm’s leaves. Ideally, use filtered or distilled water on your Palm to avoid issues. Alternatively, if you fill your watering receptacle and let it sit overnight, most of the chemicals found in tap water will evaporate leaving you with a more palatable water for your Palm.
Your Palm will be happy in any degree of bright, indirect light. They tolerate moderate light as well but never place your Palm in direct sunlight. This will cause the leaves to scorch and turn brown.
All Palm varieties love lots of humidity. If you notice the fronds are brittle or browning, this is likely caused by a lack of ambient humidity. The best way to solve this is by adding a humidifier to your home; however, a cheaper alternative is to set a tray of pebbles filled with water near the plant to naturally create humidity.
During the summer months your Palm will appreciate a monthly dose of any standard plant fertilizer, diluted at half strength. This will also help to ensure your Palm maintains that vibrant green color.
Pet friendly?
Yes! This is one of the greatest perks of Palm varieties - they’re all completely pet-safe!
As you’re figuring out the proper care for your new Palm, you may encounter a few yellowing or dying leaves/fronds. If this is the case, prune these off to allow your plant to put its energy towards the healthier parts.