Plant Care

African Violet

African Violet

Margaret Hennigan

Check out our published African Violet care guide on wikiHow Originating from Eastern Tropical Africa, Kenya and Tanzania, these African Violets love a bright, warm, and humid environment. With little...

African Violet

Margaret Hennigan

Check out our published African Violet care guide on wikiHow Originating from Eastern Tropical Africa, Kenya and Tanzania, these African Violets love a bright, warm, and humid environment. With little...



Margaret Hennigan

Native to tropical Brazil, Marantas, commonly known as prayer plants, love a warm, humid, and moist environment to live in. With a gentle airflow and enough fertilizer, your Maranta can...


Margaret Hennigan

Native to tropical Brazil, Marantas, commonly known as prayer plants, love a warm, humid, and moist environment to live in. With a gentle airflow and enough fertilizer, your Maranta can...

Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma

Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma

Margaret Hennigan

The Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma is native to Southern Thailand and Malaysia. Although this plant looks very similar to a Monstera Deliciosa or Philodendron Swiss Cheese plant, it is not related. This...

Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma

Margaret Hennigan

The Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma is native to Southern Thailand and Malaysia. Although this plant looks very similar to a Monstera Deliciosa or Philodendron Swiss Cheese plant, it is not related. This...

Clusia Plant

Clusia Plant

Margaret Hennigan

Native to tropical America, the Clusia, also known as the Autograph Plant, works great as an indoor or outdoor plant in the summer months. The leaves are so tough on...

Clusia Plant

Margaret Hennigan

Native to tropical America, the Clusia, also known as the Autograph Plant, works great as an indoor or outdoor plant in the summer months. The leaves are so tough on...

Florida Ghost

Florida Ghost

Margaret Hennigan

The Philodendron Florida Ghost is a rare and unique plant that is hard to find! This low-maintenance plant connects very well with its name because the new leaves come in...

Florida Ghost

Margaret Hennigan

The Philodendron Florida Ghost is a rare and unique plant that is hard to find! This low-maintenance plant connects very well with its name because the new leaves come in...

Zebra Plant

Zebra Plant

Margaret Hennigan

The Aphelandra Squarrosa, also known as the Zebra Plant, is native to the jungles of Brazil where the climate is warm, humid, and moist. This beautifully patterned, flowering plant can...

Zebra Plant

Margaret Hennigan

The Aphelandra Squarrosa, also known as the Zebra Plant, is native to the jungles of Brazil where the climate is warm, humid, and moist. This beautifully patterned, flowering plant can...